Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's a new year dude.

Everyone expects you to have noble goals in the new year or some list of resolutions that may or may not come to fruition. I have some plans and a few goals, but the best goal is to enjoy and appreciate those around me, and not miss out on life. Or, as Björk said once (about minimalism) "It seems to be in these speedy times, the most bravest thing you can do is to be still."
Happy New Year.
Last minute addition: I am increasing my efforts to promote and participate in the arts, especially music. In this vein I will soon make available recent interviews and photographs taken of Eric Pulido of Midlake and Mike League of Snarky Puppy as part of a joint effort with


Anonymous said...

damn, you're dropping some knowledge in that first paragraph! happy new year, michal

Matthew Lee Willis said...

I love bjork.

Happy New Years. You still in Texas world traveler?

Unknown said...

Yo, i just dropped by to check out sum awesome photograpy and i came across this post. I totally agree with the Bjork comment. Reminds me of Ferris Bueller's "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it". Good luck for the future you rebel with a cause hahaha peace. Josh.